You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.6. PLANT + MAINTENANCE Menu: Micronet Plant Maintenance > 5.6.2. Plant + Maintenance - Plant Entry > Plant Update - Text

Plant Update - Text

You use the Plant Update screen - Text tab to add text to your Plant master file that can be selectively printed on job cards and reports as required.

To add or edit plant text:

  1. Add a new plant item or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Plant Item" or "Updating a Plant Item".

  1. Select the Text tab.

Micronet displays the Plant Update screen - Text tab.

  1. If you want to:

If you selected to add, insert or edit plant text, Micronet displays the Plant Text screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:






Enter the text you want recorded against the plant item.


Job Card

Select whether this text should be printed on job cards. The options are:

  • Yes – text prints on a job card
  • No – text is for information only.
  1. Select the Accept button.

If you selected to add plant text, Micronet redisplays the Plant Text screen so you can add further text lines.

  1. When you have finished entering plant text, select the Cancel button.

Micronet redisplays the Plant Update screen – Text tab showing all the text lines added.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.